My Blueprint to the Universe


Definition of a Blueprint: a design plan or other technical drawing.

What we don’t realize is that from the moment we are born we are continuously and consistently creating and presenting our individual blueprint to the Universe.

The Universe, as the “builder” of our lives, follows that blueprint precisely and without doubt, hesitation, question or judgement of right or wrong.

How do we create that so very important Blueprint?  

The method in which we take in, analyze, decipher and store the information presented to us each and every moment of our lives.  The interpretations we make create the identity we call “I AM”.   The “I AM” is a collection of billions of cells with a government of our beautiful organs, two of the most important being the brain and the heart.  The brain being responsible for the thoughts we think and hence the emotions we create, which in turn become the presentation of our physical body.  The heart being that center of energy that exudes who we are energetically to the Universe, hence attracting the people, events and circumstances we experience.  

If we could see energy exuding from our heart center it would be 3 meters wide carrying with it the many different facets of who it is we “believe” we are.  Our worthiness factor, our receptiveness to the abundance of the Universe, and how much love we are allowing to give away and receive.  

The life you live in this present moment is an exact blueprint of the “I AM” you have presented to the Universe.  There are no mistakes and there is no one else to blame, only the clear evidence that ONLY YOU hold the key and create the destiny of this life you live.

You are a MAGNIFICENT being here to live an ABUNDANT and most fulfilling life.  The only reason you are not as you’d like to be is only because of what you are not allowing, denying, and doubting.  The “I AM” that is comprised of YOU is an ever evolving, translucent flow of energy capable of becoming anew with your knowledge, clarity, understanding and desire for more.   

Allow yourself to live freely, be loved, adored, know you are protected, and always in a state of abundance.  That is the “I AM” that the Universe created and is experiencing as a co-creator of the life we all live.

With Love and Appreciation Always


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